Racin From The Gutter........

Fight MDS. Cancer is not the last stop. Fight it! N/A with the colorado cyclist bicycle shop. www.marrow.org thecarve at hot mail. Frites En Mayo!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Moving on up

Is not just for the Jefferson's I suppose. 8 days later (2 short of my all-time record) I am out of the joint. YES. The man (fever) could not hold me down any longer. Something finally clicked and I had the worst night sweats (soaked to the bone) and finally the fevers were gone. "Just like that" yup just like that.

Now just trying to get the energy levels back up and get on the bike to see if I can find 8 days to put into my legs. If I cant get a transplant or some consistent riding in, Cross season could be in jeopardy.

Up next? Who knows I need a freelance gig or to become a staff/preferred/slutty photographer for someone. I am missin races, Xterra, Yogi Berra, I am thinking of going to bend for the Cascade classic or something east, prolly east since there is some family I can crash with. Okay so what are you people doing? Gimme some fun stuff that ya'll done did.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Sheesh. One time two times, fevers up and down. May be able to roll out today and go home. Now it looks like mas rain, fun go from one dreary drab to a rainy dreary drab.

Tulsa tough is coming, trying to get a freelance gig but it sounds like it is locked down already.

I did waste a week due to fevers and not being able to really think clearly or go walk the halls for some sort of excercise. The alt to the is not a viable thing but I digress.

Watching the storm roll off the foothills and the lightening strikes is cool - as it is gets darker due to the clouds the less likely I'll be able to pedal anything but a clutch, brake and gas pedal.

Now let there be light happy light ohhh a happy meal sounds so good.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Huh? What?

Okay most people that have fevers spike those during the day as certain levels rise or lower (trying to memmer) the key here is during the day. My fevers have been spiking in the late night like 4/5 am at nearly 104 and for some reason have been staying realitively low during the day.

Now why is that? No one seems to know. But if you saw me at 5 or 6 am I would look like a wet shivering whippet/greyhound wondering about what the hell just happened.

So as it stands - fevers 6 chuck 0. I am getting skunked, well at least I still dont have mcankles. I cannot wait to get out on a bike for even 20 minutes. I so need to have that going it makes all of this worth it. I was going to say again that TV sucks but we all know that - however this level a crappiness is like watching the guy at the grocery stack a never ending rack of cream of boredom soup.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Magic Mouthwash

Just leaves you with a slight tingle/jingle/happy feeling. Ones' mouth must be scorched up from Chemo and such to get it so I can't just go and recommend it to everyone.

More x rays for infectous diseases? So what now these " lil bandits" are running around inside me like nascar cept a few cars a running some bad stuff? Or maybe the xrays are looking for the jolly roger and some ships sailing the high seas of my blood. I would guess with how nasty the ships looked back in the day those buggers are seriously living it up, I get it now "internal body keggars" or rather like all those people that are like "ohh a nice cruise" then puuuuuuuuuke for weeks. Another biopsy down, swear to god one of these days they are going to just crack one and all hell is gonna crack with it.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Turn your head and

And dont move. Click. Hands up, hold it right there. Click. Thank you.

Sit right there - oh you better lay down - umm thanks, yeah I feel like three unwanted brussel sprouts. Back in joint again, man, I just don't learn, fresh food? Crowds? Chemo? Off and on for months and months. At least I aint getting fat - i was worried that without riding as much I would somehow pack on a few and end up with cankles, nope. Lucky me I guess. It is hard to be funny 99% percent of the time 200% if you have a fever at 102 and consistently 103+ yesterday I did not even remember seeing the CNA let alone talking to her or my MOM. Yes mother. So freaking out of it. Everyone keeps telling me that the last time was worse, so of course "how so" well you did not talk for 3 days, your fevers were higher and longer the first time. Oh now aint that sweet like a 66 canary yellow M'stang! Last time was worse? Has anyone of them been this side?

Monday, May 21, 2007

Fever Pitch

Yes that means the fever(s) are making a visit. Hopefull.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Lost and Found

Lost a lens, PISSED - Found lens HAPPY.

Whew that was a close one. I feel dumb it just rolled out of my bag and I did not look that closely. in the immediate area. I have a great sense of relief. Time to go to bed.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Helo China!

How ya doing?

Gotta work out that pollution thing.

And watch out for Towle he is coming to china.

Sounds like he could be the lead annouce dude for cycling at the Oly's.

2 Pints in

I have been draggin ass like crazy. Hemoglobin down to 6 (way way way low) and Hematacrit below 20. I cant even walk up the stairs without being damn near blown. So what do I do? keep workin harder and meaner.

I may try teh kids race tonight as that is the only chance that I may have to be competitive.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

That was a long night

I was too disgusted to even deal with it or write about it. But I am fully over it and moved on.

All those extra things delayed getting platelets - delivery of those my doc arranged and E - Room doc just went independent on me/us/reason for being there.

Okay done.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Shit I am still here

At this accursed place.

Bloody dumb i had a CBC like 5 hours before and I get here and i get 2 cbc's, a type and cross match and a fucking chest x-ray (why?) so now it has been creepin up 4 and change beyond. It could be 7 hours here if these.......keep jackin off.

I am tired - neck hurts from this crap gurney and my feet have been hanging for so long I've lost feeling in them 3 times even adjusting for angles, sides such.

I just want to go anywhere but here.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Red Flag

So sittin home enjoying some wrasslin - ring ring. Ello? Hey it's the doc - you need platelets like now - counts so low that I could just start ta bleedin/hemorraging instantaneously. Can you drive to the emergency room? Uh sure in the morning? Now would be best, oh okay so since I did not how long I am going to be here I brought the lapper, lucky me I can actually get reception in the dungeon.

Updates as needed.

I like this one.

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Heath and Henk

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Sunday, May 13, 2007


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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Wow fun day

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Where was I

Ah - lost in fog. Chemo, stuffy noses and a cup of coffee.

the details? Finally learned to shave bald using a razor razor not electric fun, a couple of nicks, the shorn look is one I always had but stubble. Now I have sunscreen on my head (bring on the shine box) I am sure I had something profound to say or do today, not sure what it was or is I am sure I'll find those lost thoughts one day.

Oh ah yes, all the ideas I had swimming in my head about business, marketing, riding when I was on the inside have been totally forgotten, chemo brain, it is a wonder I can find my ass with both hands right now.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Nancy Grace to end show on Court TV

Oh thank god.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Almost done with this infusion of chemo and wanting to ride so very badly. Steriods have me flustered and wandering the halls. Not spoiling for anything but some home/bike time. Time to stamp out a beat on the pedals and get some sun. Cut the straight hair, yup it fell out and then came back straight except for the back of the neck which is still all curly. Looks so goofy.

So where do I go from here? Food and a ride. Still some pain to deal with with getting all the needles out of my chest.

What was the point again.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Who dat it is? My baby daddy!?!

Gawd awful TV these last days of chemo are flat out boring me. CNN is already in loops (constant) the same 18, 19, 20 year olds are messing with 30 year olds knocking em up young on Maury Popo. And of course the the girls were NEVER with anyone else unlike the men (wink) and the verdict is YOU are NOT THE BABY DADDY. Oh wait You are the BABY DADDY - hell who cares. Save me.

Kid shots return

Kai Runes - talent! Better than most.

Awesome shot at a car show the detail for a toddler
is amazing.
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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Not Valverde

God help us with this Puerto stuff. I like him and follow him. Please please do not let this be true. Basso? Sheet whatever, TH same same, Dopers suck.

My sweet god in heaven.

Dont forget

Bag, shoes, glasses, water, recovery, helment, top/bottom, skinsuit, gloves, jacket pants for post race, WALLET, MONEY, ID. BEER FOR mechanics. Come on people get with the program.


Saturday, May 05, 2007

Edit - added fill light so I didnt look so deathly

Photo's are fun. This riggin was for the shower have to keep the lumens dry, since they are the
connection to the chemo and other stuff they have me on. 2 more days of emotional highs and
lows and feeling a bit unstable. Stuff they would not let out of the bag since it would melt paint is
getting poured into me. I feel so lucky.
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All this for a shower.

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Got a team?

Want some quality shots? Follow you around all day getting candids? Or action or back up your number one? Want it fast and good? Call write or send a smoke signal I am available.

I want to shoot for you! Give us a chance to razzle dazzle you.

28-200 Light sharpen and 1 saturation

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Splash - check the colors

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Then back to this.

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4 More days of this biz

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

It is done. It all come back.

all back to together
Bunch sprint and Gerolstiner wins the stage and the bunch sprint was pretty safe finally.

The winner with a gutsy move is Markus Z something I cant even figure out how to spell, but I will get it asap.

With Paolo Salvadelli still in the lead.

Thanks for reading. Stage one is now complete.

The Giro is still a week away.

3k to go

Cassie and Astana on the front 1o seconds on the gap now at 2k to go. Now it is critical for the two break riders to go Perez needs to keep it working they were just joined by two more riders. but those two look spent - could be playing possum. 1k to go. Perez is going that much harder to stave of the peleton. Here is decision time. The games are starting at 500 m to go.

Break is coming back

They look done - the peloton has reacted and and the speeds are coming up catch should be before 10K.

Unibet has launched an attack

And Gustav is a in full time trial mode, but the peloton has decided to chase him too bring is back they estime he ramped it up to 60 KM. 18 k to go the break has now reacted and sped it up and the pelton looks like they are sitting up a bit to let Gustav go - this could be a tactical mistake since that guy can really go when he wants. We shall see.

Slick Roads on the final desent to the finish

And the break has about 1 minute. Cofidis has launched an attack with one rider that caught the attenion of Lampe on the front to reorganize the chase. Cool thing is that Big Maggie B is doing commentary today .

Stage Romaindie

Break has a lil over 2 minutes. With Astana leading the chase - the peloton is ramping it up pace to bring it back estimating the catch within 5K to go unless the chase slows up or the break slows, however the break is going strong and working well so far. Lets's see if Brossard and his companion make it over the final climb the lead has come down to 1:30 and coming down, over all is has not changed and there is one more KOM sprint left before the finish.

Second Day

Hematacrit is dropping like it's hot - dammmn. That usually does not happen until a few days in, it was all I could do to get out of bed and get coffee and I need to be careful typing so that I dont make mistakes and errors. Slow as she goes.

So I'll i think since I am so tired now and two days before I was riding sting is to go back to sleep as that is about the way I feel at present. I wanna get the trainer and ride but i am way to light headed. Well at least if i fall of I am in the right place and the IV team guys (2) of them went and bought cross bike (from MTB's) I talked about it so much that they made a pact to get them and they did! That stoked me out. They got SRAM gear and are having issues with the double tap, even said they maid the LEAP. I am so proud so when I get a chance after doing some clinics I'll rde with them.

What else uhmm the coffee still suck but i can't walk down to the bear for some juice.

this is a lot for 8:17 so i am out.
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