Racin From The Gutter........

Fight MDS. Cancer is not the last stop. Fight it! N/A with the colorado cyclist bicycle shop. www.marrow.org thecarve at hot mail. Frites En Mayo!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Changed the title

Yep changed it again. I thought this one was funny and well when it's funny, you go with it.

No fun for me today, the work just keeps piling up and I could not be further behind. Sucks but oh well.

If I was a heavy drinker I would find solace in the bottle, but this is my season, riding bikes and boozin do not go well together.

Wish Janet Runes well as well as Momma Runes well also. They are having some med issues and we should send them some positive vibes. Nothing but love for them.

Dinner time.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


It's all some people have and all that some people give. If that is all you know, then that is your experience and that extends to everyone and thing. Everything is everything. Okcey - funny dude, man "ah it's windy". Hawkes was so mad that he cussed - like a sailor, which is something that he never does. Now that was interesting.

There are mass changes, Rick maybe out as coach, Wallace is out in the board. Coincidences or fate? One may never know. It's like that. 2

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Johnnie L. Cochran Jr., who became a legal superstar after helping clear O.J. Simpson during a sensational murder trial in which he uttered the famous quote "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit," died Tuesday. He was 67.

God my man is dead, how in frick am I gonna get out now????

Brotha's all over the world are now bummed. Myself included.

The Game Is Changing

Okay, possible new job. I am going east - way east like now. Interview, offer and possible acceptance. I have to sleep now, as I have major stuff to consider. More on this later.

What the hell is going on in the world, will I get the come up Jefferson's style?

Monday, March 28, 2005

A steak and some sleep

Applebee's steak. Uhh yum. Not so nice. But it was food and now I am fully worked. I was going to spin on the excercycle bike but that thing looks like torture and I have no (read ZERO) motivation. I have a race in a few weeks, that would be nice training, but, I have no (read ZERO) expectations. If I finish last oh well, if I finish first oh well if I finish 20th oh well. Moab will be nice, with one exception, THOSE FUCKING 4bys. More on that later, I am over jeeps, over over over, those gearheads with tires as tall as me well, we all know what they are compensating for don't we??? Just like us with the 5 grand in a bike......

On the road

Another hotel and another dollar. Fricken cold and people are jerks. Kill them with kindness is all that you can do.

Woke early 4:03 am out the door by 5 and in place now at 6:47 for some din din and some sleep. I have truly never been this tired, the cold is still working me over and it seems like everyone here is sick, GREAT, that's a bonus.

Oh well dinner time and then off to bed so I can sort of function in the AM. Nice day in Denver I hear sunny and warm, with some wind, Oh to be on the bike today would have been rich, RICH I tell you.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Mort crashed

He hurt his hip. This is according to Stacey who is home visiting family in Hawaii. Trying to Garrett and Josh. No one is picking up the cells.

I guess we are just gonna have to wait to hear.

Pins and needles.

Two Early Days and Wiped out

Nice day today, sunny very little wind at Eldora. Got to see and old friend Matt from Nordica. And got to test some new ski's.

Gotta tell you the new Volkl's are going to be man's (or women's) best friend. Shot out on the new RaceTiger GS and SL skis. The GS'rs are stout and fun to ride on. Now the SL skis are a so damn short and twitchy, I was nervous on them and took a good spill when I tried to snowboard them around when I got to far in the back seat, damn that hurt, My ears rang and I snow went in every nook and cranny. Those things are serious, turn on a dime and will slap you you around if your not paying attention. Get some.

Bobby Julich is on a roll

Wow Crit International! The big winner! He has got some good form now. Impressive.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Busy Night

Busy Busy Busy.

This was a fun night, it was cool to hear the game on the net and then hear from the snow crew. Man everyone has something going on right now and that is fun to watch and listen.

We have been blessed with good fortune and good times.

Rimrockers WIN

118-103 Joe's team wins the big one for the ABA title, with an amazing second half push!

Todd Day was lights out! 14 thousand people showed for the game, that brotha will be on cloud nine, now I have to go to Little Rock, I told him if he won I would come down and we would paint the town red, blue, yellow and polka dots! Awesome day for my homes! That rocks so hard, I could not be anymore proud, wow, I am blown away! Homeboy made history! First year team wins the championship, First professional title for Arkansas. Sick!!!! I better make the calls!!!!!

97 83 Rimrockers are winning!


Still NO POWER at Sun Peaks

Oh my god I am laughing so hard between the ABA finals and getting calls from Kamloops.

So still no power, Justin is wandering around with a headlamp, that kid is prepared for anything, and getting results 1st Wylie, 2nd Berbue, Third my man Justin. For the ladies Lisa K in first, 2nd Gorgone and third Erica M. Since there is no power and no timetable for power restoration everyone is conserving battery power. No update from Garrett, but it sounds like Mort wrecked yesterday and tried to race and pulled out after the first few gates. Damn. More as it comes in.

Annoucers are talking mad trash

Ohhh man. Everyone has an opinion and these days everyone is an expert.

Ohhhh noooo!!!

Just heard from GMoney!!!

No power at Sun Peaks! Power outage. They were trying to finish up the National Champs for PSL there.

G says there was carnage, with him sliding out and Tyler Jewell running his ass over. Ryan Mac blew up, Vic Wild blew up. Who knows whatelse is going on, sounds like some nice chaos up there.

G- said he would call back with more info as it comes available. WTHummm.


Rimrockers down by two at the half to the Blackhawks, live from Little Rock Arkansas. The announcers are soo funny, it's all Get'r Dun and the like. The other announcer sounds like he is from New Yawk via Pensyltucky. Comedy at it's best. I wish there was a live video feed. I would love to see those two guys, Jimbo and Jethro, they do play off of each other very well. I hope that I can tolerate this for the next hour.The drawl is slowly killing me with laughter.

No offense to my southern family (Ala - A/U/cousins, Miss-cousins, Ga-cousins) you guys know that I loves ya and that I'll see you guys soon. There is a fun bike race in B'ham that I want to race later in the year.

Listen to the game here: http://www.csnsports.com/listen.htm


Wow great game. Louisville moves on. Now that was cool.

Friday, March 25, 2005


My boy Joe's team is playing for the ABA championship tomorrow. Those guys had a successful year down there in Little Rock. Go to the teams website http://www.rimrockerfans.com/ and see what they have accomplished this year. I am proud of my boy!

Okay shocker of the day is Mike Kildevaeld is talking comeback for 2006 Olympics, Kildy is so fun it is almost insane, I wonder when were gonna see him next. One word of warning - never drive with that dude, he drives faster than I do, only he gets caught everytime he speeds, like EVERY TIME. He has got to be working on something like a hundred tickets by now.

Still two great guys are on the bring of some tremendous success. Cross the fingers and toes on the ABA thing for Joey.

Smokes and Whiskey

Feel like I have been smoking Pall Mall's and drinking my old boss's favorite Gentleman Jack. That "uhhhhhhhh, I don't feel soo goo goo gooooo gooood - braaaaaaaaaaaap, oh god, I am not well" feeling. Yeah that's the one. As the kids say: I am over it. (the cold/virus/bacteria thing) It's 5:45 and I am ready to sleep for a while. Bye for now.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Use it against...

Traffic was stupid today, it rained, snowed and people flipped out again.

Why oh why. See normally in Colorado winter is continuous. Snow snow snow, so people are used to driving in marginal conditions. Feburary is on average harsh, snowy and cold. This past month it was sun sun sun and sorta cold but no snow.

So we have all forgotten how to drive in it, except for snow riders we are always in the snow mix, but the flatlanders see it and flip out. Gotta drive slow, now I am all for safety and being responsible, but this migt as well be rain. Does it rain where your from, do you have good tires, can you cowboy up and not be scared, if you have to hang up on someone who's ranting, do it and at least pay attention to what it is your doing. They'll live and if they don't then it's their issue, enough is enough on that, driving smartly is more important than - hey bring home some bread and milk. Okay this is an rant that is going off course. Hey next time your busy or tired, let say you don't talk on the phone while doing anything and take care of yourself, so that you can be good to go some other time. You'll thank yourself for it and others will too.

Still sick

Going back to the Doc for something different, still got the chest full of lung junk. There goes my recovery week, blown by a cold.

I am looking forward to getting back on the bike and seeing what I lost or gained. I can say that I did lose 3 more pounds, like I needed to... but what if anything I gained will be minimal at best.

Reruns on the tube. Nothing shaking in the world. Wanna talk life or death or just trundle off to bed.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Another view of the chain Posted by Hello

The Bike Posted by Hello

Nice Pow day from a week ago Posted by Hello

Twisted Chain Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I had to stop watching.

I've been to New York and I never even thought about the seemier side of life, I know the underground life is in Denver or elsewhere but to see this in stark relief reminds me how one turn, one wrong choice or an accident and how that could have been it for me or anyone that I know.

I hope that we are strong enough to support each other if needed. This is all making me sad, I guess that with this cold (that will not go away) it has somehow weakend my so called hardened heart, I went back to watching this again and they just ran a scam on a dude in a Cherokee, took for a 20 by playing the prosty / cop game, I never saw that before. And they are about to do that again with a dude in a Black Maxima, she's about to take another twenty from this other dude, now she is running game on dude to give up some cash for a donation to the shelter, these guys are so dumb, they don't even ask for ID. She got the cash and then went back for her snapple, damn she has some brass balls, oh jeez she does have a fake badge and cuffs. Suckers. She got a hundy out of the fool. All this for crack and a frappicino oh and don't forget her snapple too.

Dope Sick Love

watch it.

This is the abject bottem line for people on the edge of sanity, turnin tricks, shooting up, the running partners, crack, I was sick before, now I am depressed watching this.

This is supposed to be about two couples and their lives, and I suppose that it is, their love is not for each other, no I take that back, these are damaged people and they found each other, but they cannot save themselves. Hideous.

Damn Chains.

Was heading out for a "blow out the of the sinuses" ride and fouled my chain something fierce when I installed the wheel I did not check the chain line, totally rookie move on my part, and twisted the crap out of it and chipped one of the rollers teeth.

So instead of the ride, I hit 4 shops before going into Campus Cycles in Denver and they hooked up a new roller and Sram chain.

Went back to the office shuffled papers, did an order and waited waited waited, finally got the call I needed and hauled tail home to prepare for bike surgery, so now 40 bucks later (my wrench was on a ride and I had no patience for some reason today) and some sweat the 'Light is now rideable again, even got the chance to clean up my cassette which was a mess as was the other roller.

Ah a clean drive train is a bit of silent heaven. In all my years of riding a bicycle I have only broken a chain once before and I was with my wrench when it happened so I never had to do it fix it before, so for me it's nice to be able to fix things like that. It may be a small thing, but DIY is a nice change of pace. Now I know. Oh still have not ridden today......

Monday, March 21, 2005

Properly Chastised

Wow I caused a semi ruckus. Maigh, sorry if I miss informed anyone about you or your site as a blogger. I would offer a humble apology. As for the Chuck D, well my last name starts with a B and it sometimes is confused with D and, well, it stuck as a nickname.

As for the Office Max gig, I run the Northern Colorado and Wyoming region for their commercial sales division, I never have to go into a store and I can sometimes take my bike with me so that when the day is done I can go for a spin before returning home or spending the night in someplace like Casper Wyoming. It's a cool gig, I do well at it and I get to meet a ton of people and have a nice time and see some places that I might never otherwise get to.

I am not trying to claim anything other than being me, a sort of in the know(another assumption) and mostly literate person who rides a bike and works a job like anyone else. On the link from Sager's site, the way it seemed to me, (thank you for correcting my assumption) and as I read the ever changing title it seemed to be a funny exchange between Sager and yourself. (Again another assumption on my part) it was never my intention to denigrate or tarnish you or your site.

I'll correct my assumptions, when I met Sager he was with the Durango crew at a bike race(s) and the assumption I made was that he was from there. My mistake. I mentioned to him on his site, I actually met him a few times at the races and that I liked his spot on the web. I have no clue of or about his life beyond Norba events. He was and is a nice guy and I appreciated the fact that a pro rider had the time and energy to gab with lower level riders and was impressed with him.

Glommed was a huge assumption and poor choice of words on my part, a truly poor choice of words, and that was a mistake. I should have done more due diligence before typing away. And then I should have thought twice and then skipped using it. I am sorry if that has been misinterpeted out there in the internet ether.

As for the confessions and secrets post, I did happen to find it interesting and it seemed that you found it interesting also. In no way was I trying to infer that you have or had secrets, it was an offhanded comment. In the future I will be careful in referring to or citing other sources in reference to other(s) blogs.

The "strange chick" comment was merely a comment on the random and insightful nature of your thoughts and posts. Certainly not an spiteful nor mean spirited dig against you. As for coping a line from you, I did not intend to do so, if I did, I will be sure to offer credit where credit is due.

On wanting to abuse Durango kids, well, they seem to do plenty of that to themselves at http://www.durangosquawk.com/ and I was piling on some extra abuse. It was supposed to be all in fun and it was more a comment on the friendly (jokingly abusive) rivalry in place between Durango and Denver/Boulder riders. In addition please note that I've had "superiors" like that at work and I would be loathe to be that person if I was the "boss". That was a poor choice of words and was not very well thought out on my part.

If I did indeed cast the first stone, it has been gently thrown back and now I stand hat in hand properly chastised. At least I was able to allow you to exercise your writing chops on a fine Monday evening. Thanks for reading and for the chance to publicly correct my mistakes.


Calling the kettle black is ironic in my case, but shooting my mouth off is, sadly something that can happen for me. Colorado riders (past and current) worked over Arizona this past weekend. Regardless of where they are from.

Hope everyone gets home from AZ in one piece. I am sure that I will get a comeupance at the DeerValley Norba, when those guys are ultra fit and I am gasping, puking and trying to get a top 20 in X.

Yeah Pico

Pico went to the San Dimas stage race and held his own!

He finished up 32nd in the GC something like a minute forty down from the Cat 2 winner. Those guys must have been turning the cranks in anger. That level of intensity is up there, now when he goes pro it is gonna be off the charts. I gotta rest now.

100 calls

Did a business blitz today. Man that was hard. Spent the whole day on the phone, only talked to 40 something people and set some 12 or 13 appointments. Left like 20 messages saying I would show, but no reply yet. Damn I wanted more, I needed more, sort of disappointed in that. We'll see what the bosses have to say about that. Could be a hug success or a marginal failure. We shall see.


Colin takes the cake! Man that boy cleaned clocks down in AZ.

2nd in the TT, 5th in the STXC, 4th in the XC for the number one spot overall! So choice!

Sam was a little more hit or miss down there.

15th in the TT, 16th in the STXC, 19th in the SX and 15th overall. Still a great performance from the SMBA kids that traveled. Good on ya mates! Good on ya!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

K-Bomb with Shonny V for the ladies

Nice work, Sager pulled up good and I am still waiting to hear from the wonder twins on how their events went.

Kabush is on some kind of roll, he crushed Norba's last year, handled some asses in cyclo-cross and even raced a bit on the road. Talk about a big time move, that shit with Kona dropping him was the best thing for him and his career. I miss racing the bike, sitting on the trainer will pay it's benefits, but I need to get out into the woods, do some climbing, run some rocks and see if I can lay some wood down. The Norba series is on hiatus till June.

In the meantime, gotta get ready for the Nathrop Yeti series and the local opening TT and hill climb. I am glad that I have Ock and the boys otherwise I would never be able to get this done on my own. It feels really good to have the support, no matter what, they see grouchy and fun and even me yelling at them to get it done (mean or nice) they never find fault, which is one of the most liberating things a person can have. Oh we don't always see eye to eye, but, those guys make riding life that much easier.

Gas Rant

Okay as you know I drive for my job. Alot. Gas in now stupid expensive, cutting my margin's to the limit. 2.09 per gallon means a fill up is now 26 bucks from 19 bucks, now that is 100 plus bucks every ten days if I go to Wyoming or god help me if I have to go to Steamboat to visit clients at the Routt County Gov or at the resort (wink) gas over there is 2.30 and climbing. Tourists will be in shock, I am in shock, really kind of freaking out. That is going to be felt across every industry.

Think about it, how does food get to market? Or to Target, or how do you budget if your always driving and are stretched thin, I know that I would not even try to travel out of state if I did not have to. Shit, looks like day trips to Cheyenne and Laramie. Now that is truly going to suck. It is always nice to drive and drive then sleep without having to go all the way back and then strike out early just to get stuff done, then have to rail back to Denver in traffic and watch the idiots get so frustrated. Truly cars are coffins and incubators of people that do not pay attention while driving a guided missle. I see it all the time, people daydreaming or in deep thought about nothing or something that's nothing and almost wrecking shit, but we'll talk about that at a latter date as I am now going to bed.

Practice Crit

Ocky called and he is GEEKED. He just did his first crit race and he was blown away at the speed, power and excitement. I wish I felt well enough to 1) snowboard and 2 could have seen his ride.

He had it pinned for 55 minutes with a bunch of cat 4's that should be three's (sandbaggers everywhere eh?). Average speed in the very high twenties, he said the pro's, 1's and 2's blew that speed off the charts, they started hard and then hit the gas, then hit the nitro, then the after burners. Freaking fast, some of the guys are not even human, well they are, but with super human lungs and legs.

Now I hear why they love it, the crits I have seen in person have been just nuts, bars banging, no braking for corners, sprinting out of corners, then pinning it through the straights for an hour at a time + a few more laps for good measure, all at max heart rates. I gotta get a roadie and try it. I have been reading about road racing and am keen to give it a go. Now that will be some serious fun. Now if I can just get this cold out of my chest and really breathe I would be even happier.

Patience is the call, I did spin for an hour and I had to really really push the indoor tempo, just to get my heart rate going, the warm up was like 20 minutes, and it was an effort to get to my 150 limit. Lungs felt okay, until I had to hack up a nice chunk(s) of lung butter. That was almost a puker cause it got stuck.

MSR is on OLN and these guys are riding with bad intentions, some serious pain is being handed out. Fun to watch, I have no idea how these guys bridge up to the breakaways, there is way to much time in no mans land, working working working by yourself, then you get there and expect to soft pedal for a minute then they try to drop you, just adding to the pain factor. Brutal.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Wacko Jaco

CH from opinionheads.com has the funniest animation I have seen to date: Go here to play the anivideo:


Go here to see absolutly nothing:


Friday, March 18, 2005


The anti drug.

Still off the bike, but starting to feel a bit better and the lung butter is coming up faster and not so junky nasty chunky. Yeah baby.

Got two new plants for the ranch to go along with the little lonely one that was residing here. Now there are few friends for junior.

Ah what else is going on? Who knows. Oh Whitey and Hopwood are riding for Maverick, after the Ciber Oso team went poof. They had a time trial down in Phoenix today. I wonder who won.

Anyone know? Holla

A note from OZ.

I worked about ten days or so with this guy and he is talented, just goes to show you what you can do it your properly internally motivated. Here is what Chad T had to say.

Hi guys,
some of you will know how that have been overseas racing snowboarding for the last few months. Well i just looked on the web site for international snowboarding. It turns out that my current ranking is 6th in Australia. YIPPY!

I am very happy with this. My original goal was to try and make top 10. Now that i have done that, i want to make top three. Who knows, all the other guys in the top 6 have been training seriously for many years. I have only been training seriously for eight weeks :)

It is funny how much we limit ourselves mentally. I have been wanting to race snowboarding for the past 8 years. I always knew i was ok but never allowed myself the pleasure of actually acknowledging that i was good. I think it is almost disgusting how humans seem to naturally put themselves down and get comfort in being small in life.

Have a think about where in your life you play small or think you are not as good as you would like to be. Maybe you are actually that good already but you are simply not allowing yourself the pleasure.

Love you all,


Thursday, March 17, 2005

Wow this one is deep

Read this one and feel better about life in general and unburden yourself.


So there you go.

Banging heads

Ever just bang heads with someone all the time over everything? Or never see eye to eye? Or feel that they listen to you? The worst customer service is alive and well. I think it is a form of control, and they do that since they know that you will not leave and even if you finally do, the hit you with whopper of a bill, and you end up crawling back or taking a huge hit. Asses.

Just realized that the time is off on this thing by oh3 hours, it says it's 1:40 am. What the? Now I have to figure out how to change the time. Dang this was supposed to be easy. Oh well such is life.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Back Home

Wow long day, had a 7 am in Longmont, that ran way long, then hotfooted it all the way to Highlands Ranch for the doc at 10:00, made that with minutes to spare. And you can read the results of that down below. Then to the office for a few, then back to Longmont then loveland then back to longmont. I was gone all day, blowing my nose every ten seconds, man that sucked. It still sucks, by the by, now I can semi relax and try to get some rest. But no, work email to wade through and reply to, man can I get some relief.

Big up to Bobby Julich for winning Paris Nice, he is a genuinely nice guy from Glenwood Springs now living outside Reno, NV. Glad that he got two big things in his career, the first Paris Nice win for an American and the First Pro Tour win, those two things will help him go down even better in history. Man, I wish him the best of luck the rest of the year I hope he kills it and slaps the piss out of the races and hits the podi a bunch more, and I wish that for everyone else also.

Soo sick

Damn, finally got to the doc, he says howdy to everyone. Just so you know he is the proud owner of a NEW SANTA CRUZ SUPERLIGHT! Chalk up another convert to the olChuckster.

Okay so I now have two different kinds of antibiotics to take and suffer through. Resting heart rate was in the mid 70's now in the mid 90's. Not good. While listening to my labored breathing he says death rattle, ha ha very funny, (did he just say death?) I have been seriously clogged for 9 days of varying intensity, like right now I can hardly get a deep breath, and so short of breath you would think I was racing up the climb at Snowmass (brutal). Then he drops the pnemomious (whateve) bomb, then decides no not pnemo, some kind of virus of that everyone is coming down with. So yes I have a virus, no I do not know the name, yes I feel like ass, and I feel the fitness draining out of my ass as I sit here about to go back to work. Frick.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Texas E1

Looks like K-Bomb won down in Waco, with JHK in third. Did Shonny V win? Sounds like a yes.

Next up is Arizona and the heat, Sam and Colin will be heading down there, Hawkes, myself and Ock are staying home, I am sorta sick, Ock is transforming himself into a roadie and Hawkes is just chilling out, working the single speed angle and riding with Tim D and the Boulder crew. Those freaks go soo hard and all the time, no wonder I was getting served last year in the local races, all the guys race road early season and have like a billion miles in them by the time the first races roll around, now I am onto them and have been training in the winter. Should be a bit more competitive when the time comes. Now if I can just get the saddle sores to come around and heal up, I'l be in there.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Bode Wins

Man that crazy assed kid won the biggy today. He was cocky as hell before. But this will be out of hand. Good on him and for Daron, Schlop and Sara, poor Kozzie she has struggled, I wonder if I can find Strip this summer and question him. I think they might go to Mam for the finals, but with this they may just shut her down for the year and start planning and testing for next year. Oh well. Man I gotta get some rest. I am not feeling it at all today. Goodnight already.


Justin Scores a top ten in the world cup, that is the sickest thing for him. As I have said before I am proud of that man. Good head on his shoulders and is riding up, in that I mean he is riding towards his goal, he wants the Oly's and he'll get there!

My man!

Friday, March 11, 2005

Bode and Daron

Win big at the World Cup Finals!

Nice going boys.

Scroll the Blogs

If you don't already, you all should stroll through the assorted blogs, sites and rants. You never know what your going to find.

Something like this:http://www.tinadupuy.com/2005/03/united-sharecroppers-of-america.html

The Wal-Mart Sharecroppers and such is really interesting.

Check it.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

American Mullett

Ohh wow.

If you have digi cable, the extended kind you can see this on Trio. If anyone has trio can you please record this for me, please please. I am dying to see it as I am looking for a new hairstyle and I want to compare notes and such with my mullett wearing brothers.


Either a Ulceration or a damn boil.

I would go into greater detail, but that is not something that I am interested in. No one wants ass stories, unless they include the line "so this stripper". So as above I hope it is one of three things.

A boil, which is an easy if minorly painful thing, same with and ulceration, pop some pills and I am out. Now if it is a return of the Fistula, that was surgery before and that fricker hurt, and surgery is not really something I want right now. But that is up to the doc, if I can get into see his ass, he's a cyclist too and he understands. I do know that the humiliation factor showing your okeole to someone is off the charts.

Gotta get into the doc Friday or Monday, this is starting to turn my stomach. Gotta get some anti-b's or some sort of creamer. The Chamois butter and lanacaine are slowly starting to not work any more.

Return of the Saddle Sores

Oh my gawd does this shit hurt.

I feel like a hot poker is giving me the business.

Damn, please if you have any suggestions, please please let me know.

Gotta go and jump rope, since I will not spin again today, after an hour early today I am done. For the reals.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Ski and snowboard politics suck

Read about some toturous and scandalous stuff from Koz.

Here: http://www.koznick.com/koz.diary.get.x2e?id=103

Damn that is wrong.

Trainer Hell

Sitting and spinning is, once again very boring and tedious.

Got a good spin in last night and feel okay, did some single legs and pushed it in the big gears for some power, now that did hurt, however, you gotta push it here so that when your on the trail and you get the lactic burn, your body does not freak out and start to shut down. I have found that you can push your body alot further than most of us think.

Pico ran to a Top 30 result in the Fed Center crit. That event was stacked. Did not look like he had some support riders to watch his back and get him off the front. I'll ask him about it later and post the reply here.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Ohh man

Okay, was ready to ride today. Now look at what we have, rain snow sleet and fricken cold weather. What they hell just happened anyway. Now I gotta sit on that damn trainer and tear my ass up even more, saddle sores are killing me, just sitting there, you have got to stand and move aroud on the saddle to relieve pressure, now I got a sore back side. But I have some chammy butter. Get some here: http://www.cdkitchen.com/rec/scaled.php?mid=8029&scale=1

Monday, March 07, 2005

Norba Texas

Sounds like there was some major timing issues down in Texas. No published resultes yet. But hey it was the first event this year and there are always some screw ups.

Heard that Eric Wallace (Maxxis Team Man.) was impersonating Kabush and got away with it since they are now sporting the mutton chops. Now that is funny. 654p

Now on to my sorry ass, took the last three days off he bike, since my legs were feeling heavy, I hiked the course a few times on Saturday and then spun when I got home - major miscalculation, then had to work a race at Copper. Legs are beat, mind is beat, soul is restless, mind is numb, gotta get the repay from Office Max I am sitting on a whopping 30 bucks to do my job for the week. Ooops make that 25, I had to eat, as you may know, hypoglycemic and if I don't eat, there is gonna be issues. Oh well back to the grind, but not without a mini break for www.wwe.com .

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Cut some fat

Deleted some posts. Hope that they will not be missed, they were sucking up a ton of bandwith.

Good night.

Alex is! Posted by Hello


I saw my man Cappy

Damn I have not seen him in forever!

I love that guy, always has a kind word and a smile!

Got some shots today, gotta look em over before posting.

See ya.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Ott Report

Heard from Lynn O, she pulled a top twenty in the GS, then went to train the boarder cross and BROKE HER LEG. Done for the year! She is holding up well and is bummed but the top 20 is keeping her afloat. I guess it is time for some rehab and healing.

Damn, boarder cross is hectic. She said that 40 something entered but only 20-25 will race as a bunch of the girls have pulled out, fearful of injury, maiming or death. When are these designers going to get a clue. On the other hand you pay your money and you take your chances. But damn man.

Fricken T Mobile

Damn read this:

DENVER - Dozens of 9News viewers contacted us to say they spent most of the day without T-Mobile cell service.
Slowly customers were starting to get their service back Saturday evening.

T-Mobile stores confirm the network was down for most Colorado users.

Store representatives tell us more than 415 cell sites apparently went down due to a technical failure.

Technicians say in a situation like this turn off your cell phone, otherwise it will continue to search for a signal even after the problem has been fixed.

Corporate representatives for T-Mobile could not be reached Saturday.

Friday, March 04, 2005


K - Bomb wins TT!

Adam Craig gets third

JHK fourth

Shonny V gets third

Sue Haywood fourth

Lil Willow gets a fifth

Jungle Jay gets 4th in Marathon!

Gretchen R wins Marathon!

Jungle has been tamed

Jungle Jay Henry has now taken up with the women folks at Ford Cycling: http://www.fordcycling.com/riders.html

This has traditionally been a womens team, but I guess Jay convinced them that they take some testo and throw that in the mix. Nice pick up there.

Waiting for Norba results

Damn can anyone call back or offer anything? They cannot all be that tired or wet or bored. Sheesh.

I should not flame those guys

Sometimes I get a little crazy and flame my favorite people. Sorry guys if I went over board on those posts. It is a newer kinder gentler Chuck D now. Okay?

Had a crackaccino this morning and I am freaking jittery, and dying for more. This is not going to help the quitting chew part, it makes me want it even more, since in my mind it settles the nerves when the effect is just the opposite is true. Damn, crackaccino and chew BAD BAD BAD.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Look at Clinger's face:


Get a tat and lose your job. Whatever happened to freedom of expression? If I ran a pro team, you can bet that I would let Clinger race, I would not use his ass in any ad's, but he can sure win races and that should be enough.


Ohh it's on now

Check it:


Someone said it and now were gonna live it:


Now go get some!


Got some new twisters today. Hawkes has everything you may need. 8 and 9 speeds. Now if I can figure out how to install the damn things, I'll be good to go.

First Norba's of the year are this weekend down in Texas. I wish those guys luck, that is gonna be a speed fest. 800 feet of climbing? 800, while nothing to sneeze at is gonna be cake for the pro's. Hell when we race up here, you gain 800 hundred feet between the car and the start. Think Snowmass or Durango bases at 8 or 9 thousand then the top is 12,000 and you know you gotta go to the top, then turn around and go back down ten times faster than you came up, then you have go up again.

Ocky is beating me to the start line this year, he's thrown down the hat and is going to go do the crit thing, now crits are brutal, so your riding hard for 20-30 minutes plus 2, 3 or 4 laps at the end, and that is after going all out with others banging bars, clipping pedals on corners and trying to remember the shifts and catch breaks, reel in breaks and trying to make some noise on your own. Everyone has told me in a crit, get to the front and stay at the front and DO NOT LOOK BACK, be gone and stay gone. More on that on a later date after his first crit. Bye for now.
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