Racin From The Gutter........

Fight MDS. Cancer is not the last stop. Fight it! N/A with the colorado cyclist bicycle shop. www.marrow.org thecarve at hot mail. Frites En Mayo!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

You want comfort while traveling while still being elegent and stylish? Nunn Bush baby! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Eastern Colorado is closed

Well not so much but - the 70 corridor is done for now, wind and snow are the snafu. Glad I never had to drive east much farther than the airport lucky me huh? But now back to the aero port - yep back on the road. I will miss being home, that was a nice little stint at home just being local and visiting some cool hotels and b&b's with little or no stress.

Phoenix will be stress - the biltmore used to sell our stuff - no more and now I have to get back in the good graces. Then off to Flagstaff and Sedona before the panic back to PHX and a flight home, then panic back out to Southern Utah, which will be cut short to fly back to denver then to ABQ then back home, why you ask.... I have a mortgage.

slow news days

And so with nothing to really say or report I am having a late lunch. Boring I know but oh so fun.

Thursday, November 24, 2005


Ed'O and Shannon and Sierra for a lovely dinner, sorry I faded so badly, and sorry that you had to see my twitches from sitting infront of the game before dinner. I gotta keep moving and sitting there while fun was putting some pressure on my back hence the twitches and the moaning and groaning like Sierra the Barker as she lays down.

Cyclist hit by car in critical condition DIES

Here is the link:


The kid was text messaging and ran him over, he has now died. That is at a mimimum vehicular homicide and should be treated as such. The little puke. Hey I am quilty of texting while driving, I, however have never hit anyone. But they should land on this kid like a ton of bricks.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Yeah thanks G. You really need to sleep sometime. Us insomniacs are a fun lot YES THIS IS FUTURE DATED SO DON"T MENTION IT. Posted by Picasa

Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sitting around in pain sucks. Posted by Picasa

Follow cam. Posted by Picasa

The Eldora Crew Posted by Picasa

Follow the leader Posted by Picasa

This is how you ski Posted by Picasa

First Day At Eld. Posted by Picasa

Back To Back

Still with the back issues. This is getting tiresome and I am pretty much over having this issue. The doc is reviewing the MRI and I am in hurry and wait mode. Fun.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Ohh I knew it.

Soo soo wrong.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Snowboarding was not the best idea, that minor irritation is now a irritation in it's own right. Must have compressed it some more since that feeling is more regular and intense when it happens.

Good news! The stuff the doc hooked me up with is letting me sleep through the night and the hangover is not so bad. Still taking pills is not my MO unless it is vitamins or supplements so that has been an adjustment for me.

Other than that it has been yet another adenture down the injury path. The question is?: Will it end sooner or later.

What I learned today

Mixing drugs and coffee are a major no no. As I was getting some stuff done, I noticed that I was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane breeze - to much coffee and it reacts withe the drugs the doc RX's for me. This kind random lady was waiting in line and when I said that I injured myself, she knew immediately what I was going through. Suffice it to say instead of high test coffee I got the de-caka-lak to calm the body down and settle the nerves. I still feel all twitchy and antsy and I hope that I can get my sleep on, as it's snow time baby. And the politics are already flying their rowdy assed colors and the only ones that will get hurt are the kids.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Carisoprodol and Norco

Make the world go round and round, round and round.

L5 through S1 make pain, shoot through, shoot through shoot through.

Know where I am going with this? Me Neither. Just make sure you do not mix that shit up.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

CB G-Strings

Leno and a charlie brown g-string and I wish I could say that I was kidding.

Just what I needed to see

Two planes crashing on TV. Yes it is TV and yes it sparked some holy shit memories. TV is now my worst enemy.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Frackin Cold

Left the slider open, just realized it. Nice eh? Could not reckon on why my feet were soo cold and why the heat kept kicking on and off reapetedly.

Okay so my back is hurt, somewhat, in my opinion, sorta bad. I was on the phone, chatting away and turned around in my seat so that I could clear the back up and park move and let out a shizz, fizz, fizz stream of colorful words. Oh and when I sit and reach, stinger, crack my own back stinger. I built a fortess in bed two pillows down the sides to limit movement and I will not mention what the sensation is when I drop the soap in the shower, that was a nice feeling. It's like the stinger is hotwired to mouth and mind and all I can come up with is - shizz, fizz, mother fizz, son of a fizz. Doc says he can fix it with and adjust so that will be my Friday as of now.

Monday, November 14, 2005

So my day

Out early - visiting B&B's closed 2 of 4 nice day right? Yeah. Weather? Questionable, I am soo glad I did this early as the weather went to shit in about an hour and I was infront of it just barely. Made it back to DenCo at about 4:30ish and when the weather turned, IT TURNED. Right now out of the sliding glass doors it is doing the snowing sideways thing. Nice eh?

I think I want to move out of Denver towards the west a bit. But I am not really wanting to give up close airport access. Trying to balance that with a touch bigger place with two baths, well for now it just an idea and that's all. But the prospect is nice to think about.

Ah at this point we should just enjoy the snow and the wintery feeling, the sad part is that now I will HAVE to ride on the trainer, now that will be fun for about 33rd and 3rd minutes then it will be all hate.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Eddie G

Please rest in peace. I was entertained by you and your legendary family. Silly I know, but never the less. Thanks for the memories.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Why have I been keeping those cards? No reason.

Due to the lodging industry’s heightened sensitivity for the personal security of guests, the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA) is debunking the urban legend myth that magnetic-strip hotel room key cards contain guests’ personal information.

While many members of the lodging industry employ magnetic-strip hotel room key cards, they do not supply a guests’ personal information such as credit card numbers, home address, or e-mail addresses. According to the manufacturers of these devices, room key cards capture information through three embedded and encrypted tracks. Most hoteliers use track “three,” which contains locked information that usually lists the guest’s room number and check in/out dates.

The remaining tracks (“one” and “two”) — if supplied by the hotel’s property management system — also provides additional, limited guest information. “The issue of identity theft is a public concern that is reported to affect many Americans,” said AH&LA President and CEO Joseph A. McInerney. “We’re doing everything in our power to inform guests that this is a myth and that this is not in anyway, affecting their personal safety.”

WC Standings for Americans

If the olys were tomorrow A Smith, J Rock, E Warren and Klug. That's the shake out right now.

Interesting isn't it?

Flat tire? What the heck is going on? Looks like I gotta ride, since the big airs did not even bubble up the tire. PISSED. Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 11, 2005

Got a ride in

Yea for me. Felt good, I miss the mtb. It was nice to spin around in shorts and a ss jersey in November. How often does that happen? The kids will be ready for snow soon and then we will really be off and running.

Ah how the seasons blend and mix into one another, one day a bike helment and the next a snowboard dome. Now if I just played golf I could pull off the triple - Snow, Bike, Golf. That may be a touch ambitious at this point. Ah well.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Another day and other gripe

Well not really, as I do not have much to say or write about. Now that is a first. Oh there are issues and thoughts swirlying around, but I think I need a moment or two to sort out where I am at as a person, worker, coach etc etc.

What that all means, I do not know yet. I do know that the first event of the season is coming and I look forward to it, as I am excited to see competition, but the closer the event comes the more I want to go ride my bike. I think there is a shift in focus coming and figuring out how to deal with one chapter closing and another opening is a quandry that is a mystery to me right now.

I feel a touch lost and remiss, well not remiss, but living out loud is hard, saying what other people think, but never act on is hard, not acting on what you think is even harder. As the esteemable Morissey said - How soon is now - and how do you know if now is now or if now is later or if the future arrived and you missed it or if the future is still out there waiting to be discovered. I am having major electrical problems - static electricy is killing me. Every where I go SHOCK, sucks.

Monday, November 07, 2005


Yet another doper. That is truly a shame. Sucks really. I said it before and I will say it again - WHO'S NEXT.


Yep - last month was a ten K month. And I have indeed earned Premier Status with UAL. Yippee.

Thought I would update that little tidbit.


Looks like there is some turn over in teams - Twin Peaks is looking as is CAT as are the ladies from Ford Basis, and TE is making a run for a strong spot, I need a clue for what flag to plant. And Mike Jones is done as a blogger. Up next fun could be had in Tucson in a few weeks, the ride sound fun, but alas I need to be some where else for work. Gotta make a plan and do a ton of travel - Den SLC Boi Vagrants St GoGo.

Anyone wanna go and look at and visit some hotels I got the car covered and at least 3 nights in a couple of different towns in a matter of days so I can take the Turkey day time and relax. The only bonus is I have premier status, gold, plat and frequent mutt level at several hotels, car rental and various travel locations, time to use it or loose it.

The bidding starts with a case of my personal crack where it goes from there is your guess and my choice, so kiddies let the bidding begin. One round trip airfare, a bed and a ride in the rental car for whomever says they wanna go work a week(end) or so with me. You gotta have a bike, be cool and have no expectation other than to ride your damn bike, eat and make good conversation.

That's it now get back to work and stop reading this silly assed blog thingy. The usual contact methods are in place - no phone calls please, stun me with some creative writing, humor and bring your Ipod cause when I am driving you will not like the junk/rap/metal/country/NPR that I listen all at damn near once. Bidding is now open, if you call about the ride along your out, cheesy notes will be posted for all to see with my commentary addressing the short comings of your missive(s) and well that's about it. Pay up suckas.


Ahh to be home, watch what I want when I want no nosy room dog.

Hawkes thanks for the sunday love for the wheel I do not know what happen I was just JRA. Once again you come to the rescue and thanks for the beta on cycling changes. Super secret and hush hush. YOU ARE THE MAN. Sunday's will always be for a chat with you man.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Hi  Posted by Picasa

One for posterity Posted by Picasa

Me and Goofy Posted by Picasa

Mike and Goofy not sure which is which Posted by Picasa

Oh stop the spinning Posted by Picasa

Princess gets married Posted by Picasa

VooDoo Posted by Picasa

Really small Posted by Picasa

Small  Posted by Picasa

This bird is a pick pocket Posted by Picasa

Small Posted by Picasa

Happy Parents Posted by Picasa

The sales crew Posted by Picasa

Me Posted by Picasa

Wasted pirate pretzel Posted by Picasa

Ski coaches get their drink on Posted by Picasa
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