Racin From The Gutter........

Fight MDS. Cancer is not the last stop. Fight it! N/A with the colorado cyclist bicycle shop. www.marrow.org thecarve at hot mail. Frites En Mayo!

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Flat on my back with upper back and neck pain, the phantom neck crack has done me in for a minute. For those who do not know a story:

Training on summer on the snowboard, I flipped and screwed myself into the ground, full on stretched out and augered in. Now every now and then like a good sneeze or sleeping wrong, I get the dreaded stinger, upper body is numb and that electric like shock blows through my arms. I had one of those today, but for some reason it feels worse and gave me a headache too boot.


A choice

MPC or Foothills spin tonight?

Gotta fugure that one out. Need some fuel and time. Work calls are killing me.


How close to paralyed can one be

Apparently this moron that crashed also took out 12 other riders, hence the massive DNF listing at the second stage at the Tour of Utah.

No one is saying who it was (yet) but you can be assured that this guy is now a marked man in the peloton.

XXXXXXXX was just cm's away from what is being referred to as the Christopher Reeves break, you know Superman who broke is neck, was a quad and recently passed away. In other news from the event, it was relayed to me that after the crash they ran out of emt's/wagons to cart off the wounded. How's that for a cocky and stupid move by another cyclist? Ohh the anger is boiling over, there are, I am sure, a bunch of people that want to whoop his ass and ban him from ever taking a pedal stroke again.

Monday, May 30, 2005

GSort Gudex are coming for Camp

At Copper in a few days, looks like the damp weather is holding the snow and while I will not be getting on snow it will be fun to see holmes.

He's a fun kid. He likes his crack (NewCastle) as much I do, that stuff is so bad it's good, soo tasty and smooth ahhhhhh crack. I've seen people blow up on the NC, turn into stumble bums and wake up still zooted to the hilt. Glad that I have grown up and can enjoy them every now and then. Anyone want one? On me? On second thought that could get spendy. Offer resinded at this time.

Traffic and Zero parking

Ah well, the BB would have been a treat, no place to park even remotely close. Should have stayed put, but hindsight is 20/20. I then rode around trying to get close, but I know how to get to about 5 places in Boulder, what with all the streets closed and dumb signs saying no parking, it was useless and slightly confusin'. Yeah I'll admit it, yours truly was sort of lost, again if the streets are clear and open then there are no worries, but add in 50K in runners and the associated hangers on and family and friends Boulder turned into 3rd largest city in Colorado for a few hours. And dealing with that was way to much, add to that, the people frustrated that they could find parking and traffic moving slowly, well I am sure you get the idea that even being around was a grave risk at best.

Came home and slept, it is freaking cold and dreary. Sleep was and is welcome and I am going to go back to it after visiting the Ma and Pa for some smoked meat products, then back to bed and the to GSprings to visit a couple of hotels and maybe spin at altitude (wink wink). Then peel out for the weekend for the race of crashes. Wish me luck as I am going to need it. I hate that place, still carrying the mental and physical scars from that event last year. Gotta get over it so I might as well stick my head back in the lions mouth and see if it bites.

Two Cyclists Smashed by SUV

Today in Boulder. Fucking idiot fell asleep or something, conditions were not that bad, they are now with rain and crap, people need to pay attention, when you drive WAKE UP and LOOK AROUND YOU, the world does not revolve around you. You revolve with the world. I am sick over this, too many bad accidents lately. I am stuck since I have to drive, but at least I have clue.

A few hints for you non cyclists, give a spot of room around a rider


Drive the speed limit or at least very close to it


Stop looking at our legs and drive your car

DON'T space out when driving you can KILL you your family or someone else's.


Left two messages to go ride

I guess people do not listen to messages. One called back, but he's with the family. The other never called back asking about riding.

There is some big news pending. Just need permission to say something/anything as it does not pertain to me.

Got in a cold ride

Saturday took on a nice little ride, got a little cold after waiting for a ride partner that never showed. Ah well each person has their own little clocks. I felt good but tired.

Sunday was more of the same, missed the take off with the kids and never caught them, but I did see Timmy B on his new Dean Ace. Timmy has now come to the full boinger side - yep full suspension. Now get this he is ride a Maverick 32 fork, thru axle and looking very nice, got to spend time in Boulder, had a beer and slept like a champ, thanks again to Hawkes.

Going out the door to see how cold it is on the bike, gotta find the other cool weather glove and try to catch some of that silly Boulder Bolder race, the thing I do not get is why run (inefficent and painful) when you can ride a bike and go further faster while seeing the same thing, it is just more elegant and classy on a bike.

Matt and his bike

Matt actually went and rode his new bike on Thursday. He got it and we all noticed that he needed more air in the fork and the shock, so it was aired up and they rode, I went off with Ocky and suffered as I mentioned before. Nasty. That bike is soo sick, like a kid with the poops.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Sunglasses. From Smith.  Posted by Hello

This is a classic deep mountian shot from Provo, UT. Are we there yet. Posted by Hello

Side Shot of the Oly bike, now get this, there are 9 frames like this WORLDWIDE and three of them are in Colorado.  Posted by Hello

Matt gets the bike and does not believe that it is actually his. Can you say SHOCKED! Posted by Hello

Hawkes with the newly built Olympic Issue bike for Matt. This was a GIFT! Yeah you read that right. Gift Posted by Hello


Sounds like a crash happened at the MPC, with a Swanky's rider and an unknown women rider going down in a horrible wreck. I was reading about it at the haulin ass web site forum board, thanks to Ed for the heads up, we were going to go ride that but went with the MTB's instead, luck for us we did not crash or see that crash, it would have turned me off for sure.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Head pounds

There was a point when my HR went through the roof, it was good to blow out some carbon (car driving term) however I am really feeling the headache. Confidence is a little low right now, not feeling that great about myself and my riding, it makes me kinda blue.

Gotta work on the nutrition and hydrate hydrate hydrate.

Now I am gonna shower. Just had to put that out there.

Bonked out

Did a few intervals with Ed and I am truly blown, legs are junk right now, I just could not get it going, well I got it together for a few hard efforts and I am paying for it now. Lungs are full of butter and in the foothills it got cold, my hands were frozen again, anything under 60 degrees from now on I am taking my warm gloves with me. That was just a little cold.

Now I must shower and try to rest and recover, I feel like shit right now. I wanted to maybe spin it out tomorrow and Saturday, but this may be the perfect time to not do anything at all, lie in bed with my legs up and watch TV. Sounds like a dream.

Not feeling rested

Can't seem to get it going today, gotta get some food and pack up the bike(s) the roadie needs service and a good cleaning as does the MTB which is covered in filth. Gotta make a ton of calls to set up my June and then clean the bikes and then try to ride? Ah maybe a drive to Cripple Creek is in order, no, not to gamble but to go check on what amenities they are using at the casino hotels since NO ONE IS CALL ME BACK. Frustrated.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Gawd am I am tired

nuff said.


Ohh wow. That was fast, fast, fast.

Uh lemme think for a second, Acme rider Amy showed up as did Mari Holden, man that girl is fast, she was riding at the front and handing out pain. Some Vitamin Cottage pro's rode off the front and were hammering away, even the older gents were flying. I am gonna have to rethink training rides, I don't think I am pushing myself hard enough when I go out by myself. Good miles but road riding is way different from mtb riding.

I held on for a few laps, then blew up, tried to get back on, got dropped, rested for a half lap, tried to get back on and got dropped again. I think I held on for about 20-25 minutes, packed up and split.

I did feel comfortable at speed with the grupetto, the wind was not that bad and even though it was fun the wind did make it harder. Now it's time to rest.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Fast Rainy Recovery No Drop Ride

Uhhh did you get all that? Frickin Gnarly, no glasses, so I go bug juice in my eyes and up my nose.

The "no drop" primes were the best - no drop right? Prime? Uhhh huh what? Damn jokers.

Fun ride. Worked. Must be gettin some rest.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

TD all over Cycliningnews

Go to Cycling News dot come and click on Tour of CT and see my boy TD all up in the photo cut!

Timmy is gonna be a ghetto SUPERSTAR.

Okay now, I have to say Pico is next, he rides hard, is a good kid and well I love him, no not like that, perv's.

K-Bomb is in the mix as is the real Mayor of Durango.

Let' s see what happens tomorrow.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Got this

From Saunders who got it from Bill. Seems Pico called and said he was coming through. I don't know if he knows I moved. Oooops.

I got this from bill... and from Saunders.

The difference between "guts" and "balls"

Guts - is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being assaulted by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask: "Are you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?"

Balls - is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the ass and having the balls to say, "You're next."

Timmy makes Cycling News

I hear TD rode off the front and caused much havoc. Here is the link.


Dead legs

Tried to spin it out today and got about twenty miles and pifffttt, like the air went out and BONK. Granny geared it home, eat a bit and promptly fell asleep for um like 4 hours. Woke up made and returned a few calls and BONKED again.

I am trying EdO'G's trick of icing my legs down trying to bring them back to life. Gotta get up and try to ride early, of if I am not even feeling it, I'll just stay in bed drinking coffee and watch a movie.

I hope this works, it was hard to walk up the stairs and since I do not have AirCon it is hot a New Orleans without the shenanigans which makes it doubly disappointing. Me and the sis may sneak down for mem day. I hope that she and I can work the schedules out.

Ahh the joy of grits

I found them in the most unlikely place. Just outside of Provo Utah. In a Denny's, and they actually made them correctly. Such are the little joy's of life and travel. Now I may have to go back and have them again one day. Maybe.

Not feeling very spry today, need more rest but the bike is calling and I feel the need to answer almost. A good housecleaning would be in order, but I just don't feel like being bothered. Does anyone have a good service they can recommend?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Not what you think

Evil Update

Learn to be evil in some easy simple steps thanks to:http://www.darksites.com/souls/horror/evilguide/objectives.html

An example: Straight from the site itself, credit given.

"So what are we doing tonight, Brain?" - Pinky
"The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!" - The Brain

An evil-doer without an objective is a most tragic thing indeed. All that sinister potential going to waste, sitting around unused... It's no wonder the world is in the state it's in today. You will therefore want to come up with an evil purpose, something to devote your life towards and direct your dark energies full force.

To wit:

Politics - Perhaps the best way to promote universal suffering is through the avenue of politics. Yes, the arena of oily hides and greased palms, where you screw your constituents and take 'em for everything they've got. The ways to do this are nearly endless, and all of them incredibly fun. Enact laws that eliminate any sort of rights or freedom held by the people. Justify authoritarian fear tactics by saying you are "tough on crime." Start wars with other nations and then bet against your country to clean up at the bookies. Accept briefcases full of money to let corporations dump toxic waste in old folks homes and petting zoos. Apply white-out to the constitution until it appears more to your liking. You know, the usual deal.

And more:

Ideological - One of the more truly evil means by which to take over the world is through the use and manipulation of belief systems. Where you become spokesman behind a particular ideology, one so powerful and mindless there is no choice but for it to sweep the planet. Religion is the best example of this, though political movements work as well (see Christianity or Marxism for more details) The main thing to do with this method is construct a belief system so sinister that people actually want to follow it. One based on humanities hatred and self-loathing, with some bit at the end on how you are the one true god. Should your message be strong enough, every man, woman and child will slowly fall under your control. You will be named spiritual king, and while there still may be countries of geographical boundary, there will be but one country of the mind, and it will be yours to command.

Evil lessons learned. See any parallel's to today's world?

Get Evil

I love these guys and they have an outpost in Colorado. Go to:


And get evil and turn the cranks in anger.

This is the TI rod that was in Bordy's leg all year. It was just taken out while at the same time he was having his RC fixed. Billy is looking at one more surgery for a umbilical hernia. Get healthy man. Posted by Hello

Oldest bike shop in the Western US. Cool guys and you have to stop at a landmark in Cycling. Heavy on the C'dales and Trek's gosh they love Lance out here, there is crit going off down the street sorta like the MPC. Posted by Hello

Ah here is a better shop of the water from the storm the other day.This is on the inside on top of the AC unit, I was blowing through towels to sop up the water. Posted by Hello

Hard to see the water on top of the air conditioner but it is there.  Posted by Hello

Nice parking job by the rental car guy, lucky that there was no scratches Posted by Hello

Outside Bordy's house the backside of PC, Alata and the Bird are all out there. Lucky guy. Posted by Hello

Monday, May 16, 2005


I have my camera with me, but the shot suck. Get this hotel room window was open to the rain, water on he aircon unit, afraid it will blow but need to sleep. I'll fight this out in the morning. Frickin hotels and airlines, YOU WILL GET SCREWED.


Hell plane trip and a cold steak. Welcome to Utah chuck.

Confernce Call Monday

Now this is going to be a long one. Wanted to try to sneak in a quick ride, however is was just a touch chilly this morning, so I did some shuttle runs up and down the hill by the ranch. Why do people look at you like your crazy when your runnin'?

On the agenda? Well this call, getting my dry cleaning, makin a few calls and then seeing some businesses in the intermountain west.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Ed'o is unwell

Talked with Ed earlier today and he was home sick, man did he sound bad. I hope you get fit quick. Maybe a little time off will help heal that cold right up. I hope so. It is easy to ride with hime since he always wants to ride or kayak.

Now trying to ride with a "pro" is tougher, we ride hard for us and I dig that, watching the pro's ride is off the charts, those guys bury themselves, dig out, bury themselves and dig out again only to finish the event and then ride like 20 miles home on two bottles of water and three Clif or GU packs! Now would I be able to do that? Maybe one day, but I do not even think that is even close to being in my future. I so wish I could do that. One day though I will shine through and hand out pain rather being on other side. Soon baby soon.

Rob and Ange Worrell

I also got to see my old buddies Rob Ange and Zane Worrell. He used to head up the Alpine program at Team Summit, now he is down in the Gun working for Crested Butte Academy. Little Zane is almost 4 and he is a handful. Rob was riding well and after helping him with a flat, and giving him a spare tune he was back on his way to a decent finish, we even got a chance to ride back into town with him. It reminded me how much I liked working with him and Ange. He does remind me to say hello to Derek and the guys from my old team and says to come on down and visit the family in Gunny, he lives right on the confluence of several rivers and says the fishing is divine. Looks like we got a trip coming up eh?


Took the lead on helping Tiaa Cref with wheel changes and the like, that guy works hard for his riders and hard for the local pro teams, someone give him a job. He even wrenches on my bike on occasion and I appreciate that very much, gotta buy him dinner again. You know single guy, loves bikes, never any food in the house unless it is power bars, cliff shots and water. I have no idea how he lives like that but somehow he makes it work. I would be starving and must assuredly a basketcase from lack of eats.

Timmy is out

Looks like Timmy D got booted from the race for crossing the yellow center line rule, he was pissed. He rode by in a van while holding his bike out of the window.

Got to hang for a minute with Pico and Wilk, never met Wilk before; he was cool as a fan and I wish he would have drank some more water, that guy is like a camel or something. Sadly he DNF'd leaving Pico and another TJ guy in the race. Pico moved up to 25th in the GC.

Pro 1's and 2's come through the feed zone. I have never seen as many flats. That road was covered in bumps, dips, holes and nastiness. Posted by Hello

For the ladies, it was cool, the middle rider, Gretchen R was dropped then paced herself back on to the breakaway which was a tough job, that was an amazing ride. With her is Kerry Barnholt and I believe Mari Holden. Posted by Hello

Mike Janelle, Chuck Coyle, Ian Mc this was the winning break. They took off on the second lap and were gone, the max gap was about 2 minutes. Posted by Hello

Tiaa - Cref in a post ride meeting. I thought Vaughters would have been bigger.  Posted by Hello

Swanky's rider pulling it up the hill, thank god for the all day tail wind or it would have been even more brutal.  Posted by Hello

Boulder Roubiax in the feed zone. Thanks to Jimmy D and Towle for making the sunny day that much better Posted by Hello

Friday, May 13, 2005


Tommy D is the top American? What! Daaaaaaaamn.

Henk V formerly of Boulder Via Aussie land is riding the Giro and pulled a fifth today, good lookin out.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Ocky in the Peloton. Ready to make a move on them bitches the guy in the white and orange is blown, he rode hard and at one point charged off the front then BLEW UP. Posted by Hello

Closer to the action. The sound and feel will raise the hair on your arms Posted by Hello

Another shot as they come around at first it was about 6 minutes or so then the hammer came down and I was way out of position to get this shot let's call it a soft focus. Posted by Hello

MPC - These guys are moving.  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Starting to Clear up

Still puffy, but better, when I went to bed it was damn near shut.

Hard to balance and drive with one eye covered, but I managed. I will see the doc in the am and Ed'O in the afternoon.

If I can see I will be doing the MPC, if not, then I'll go and cheer the beasts on as they spin around in circles. Gotta remember to bring the Cammy and an extra mem card. I feel a photo jones coming on.


Nuff said.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The photo does not do it justice

I have to figure out an angle shot to show how puffy it really is. Now my other eye is having sympathy pains. F()*&^%$^&*

If it swells shut I'll post that also.

Nice really nice, some sort of allergic reaction to something. Time to go all CSI and find what the fick changed or added itself to my household. Damn

Oh yeah it's getting better by the minute.  Posted by Hello

More swellin

Nice, okay this sucks

My gawd, my eye is swollen for some reason and it semi hurts. Who is the new puffy?  Posted by Hello

Giro Top three from Today

1. Danilo Di Luca - Liquigas 2. Damiano Cunego - Lampre 3. Stefano Garzelli - Liquigas, all s.t.

My man Damiano is in there, it is not enough for the leaders jersey just yet, at least I not think so, but soon, very soon.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Nice Block

Mc Ewen, in the rosa after an awesome move by other riders to deny Petacchi. Brilliant tactic's from the pelo. But is it really smart to piss off Italians in Italy? Someone could get whacked. Stereotype yes, true also yes. They will put you in the gutter in a minute if they are pissed. Giro riders WOW.

Bad bad wreck, go to cycling TV or wait for OLN to show it on the weekend.


Jet Stream is the pen to have! And I have grip of them, you want?

Gotta re-post

The hot seat is killing me. I wish I could find a reasonable place to sit and not feel discomfort.

Time Trial

Gotta go for a fast TT ride. Gonna drill it for and hour. Hope I can breathe after that. But it will feel good.

Observational Issues

For clarity sake, these are observations on people's behavior. I have seen these people at airports and at car rental places, in hotel lobbies and resturants. Everyone wants something for something and it is funny to watch the lengths that they go to.

Now having said that, I am sure all of you could relate to seeing that happen to someone else. Also, you know you have seen it out there: obtuse little people with agenda's all their own.

All you can do is watch and shake your head and then share your thoughts in another forum far far away from them (so as not to incite them further in their moment of humanity) and to a much greater extent provide a laugh and some thought about the subject.

Winner of the week

Warren Buffett: Has a net worth of $26 billion and none of the headaches that normally go with it. So it's easy to call him "winner of the week" just about any week.

Loser of the week: to be decided but I am getting closer.

Any results from Chalk Creek?

Ock? Any updates beyond what I already know?

What about Timmy B and the boulder crew?


Have fun this week kids.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy mothers day

One and all, my hope is that all were able to get some rest and relaxation.

Sunday rest

Ahh, in bed most of the day, rest sweet rest.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Giro starts

Time does fly. Time for the Giro. Looks like the Lion King will ride the prologue.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Above the fray. A nice place to be. Fly fly away. Posted by Hello

Burke doing his presentation. Posted by Hello
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