Here we go:
yes it has been about a month since our last corresponcence. except for you Jeremy, its been about seven for you. what have i been doing, mmhh, well, i wrote a grant for my people that is in some kind of beaurocratic fist fuck right now. I am going to Quito to get it all straightened up in a week or so.
there is a bit of civil unrest right now and the people have planned a general strike for this week, meaning that not a god damn thing is going to get done. not buses, not stores not shit. iam not sure what the problerm is, people all have a different answer, something to do with corruption. i was in Cuenca, the big town near me for another strike on mistake, when i found out i left the morning on the strike, but before it got rolling. i was the only person walking the streets except for cops in riot gear on every corner. it was a little unsettling. later in the day the the cops beat some people and used tear gas on the crowd.
the white girl is not pregnant. she was late, way late last month, 30 some days. after that she decided to go on the pill. so i got that going for me. its fun when she come to visit and stays with me. on my room the doors stop about three inches from the floor, leaving a nice little gap for sounds and little kid eyes to to get in. it makes for some nervious sex. ecuador is a pude, god loving country, so i am sure that there is some gossip going around in my town and hers. but a dudes got to work out you know.
I am going to go climb a 21,000 foot tall mountian in a few months. it the farthest point from the earth´s core due to the bulge of the earth. they call it chimborozo. old school explorers though that it was the tallest mountian in the world untill about the 1820´s. its a seven hour climb to the top. should be a good time.
I am also have tickets to come home for a visit from the 26th of sept through 8 of oct. I am going to take the GRE´s and go to the beerfest and ride my little legs off. my legs are getting smaller. i hike and run a shit load, but there is nothing like cycling to build those muscles up.
thats about all i have going on right now. How many national champs did you coach this year, Chuck? is moes still in business, and if so is Lisa giving XXXXXXX with every bike purchase, or is little matt? ooh I am bad. Jeremy, how is the little one, your job and life in general?
well you guys take care and prepare for my coming,
P.S. you guys want some crazy indigious people stuff, like spears and blowguns? I am going to a remote village in the jungle in a little bit. the people called the Shuar are know for their head shrinking abilities and they sell spears and blowguns and jewerly stuff. let me know.